Stories from 100 Days to Brave

Annie F. Downs

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Over the last few years, hundreds of thousands of you have read the book and we hear daily-literally every day- from you guys, stories of how you, while reading the book, have changed your life, how God has changed your life, how you have made the brave choice, how things you never expected came along in the 100 days and your heart was ready because of the reading.


With the release of the new 100 Days To Brave journal, we thought it would be really fun to hear some of those stories. So we asked you and many of you shared the most moving, funny, heartbreaking, strong, amazing stories.


We picked ten of those for this new podcast, Stories from 100 Days To Brave. Each episode is the story of a friend, just like you, who finished reading 100 Days To Brave and then got the chance to choose courage. And they did. Wow wow wow they did. Each of these stories is different and super special. It feels like a real honor that these friends would trust us, trust me, to share their stories here.


All ten episodes will be available to you. No need to wait. We want you to hear them as quick as possible and fall in love with these friends and these stories. I hope you’ll listen and share and enjoy each of these episodes- grab yourself a copy of 100 Days To Brave and begin your own journey. Brave people aren’t the ones who don’t hear the whispers of fear, they’re just the ones who don’t listen anymore.

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